Forget those fees
With our Embark account, we promise to never charge you with overdraft fees.
Banking as mobile as you are
Access your account and your money anytime, from anywhere. Check your balance, set spending alerts, manage your credit and debit cards with Card Controls, and make mobile deposits. All you need is your phone.
Get the most out of your money
Our Money Management tool will help you take more control of your money. Set up a budget, manage your spending, save for the stuff you need, and still have enough left over.
Thank you for your interest in opening an Embark Account with Navigant Credit Union. A digital-focused account intended for 13-22 year olds. Open this account with just $10, and enjoy no fees.
Fees may apply to out-of-network ATMs. Primary account holders 13-17 years old require a parent or guardian as a joint owner on the account and requires original birth certificate. When the primary account holder turns 22 years old, the account will automatically switch to a Journey Rewards Checking account or an equivalent account type offered at that time. Bill Payment, Pay a Person and EFT only available for members 18 years of age and older. This account will not be eligible for overdraft privilege. There are no Insufficient Funds (Returned or Paid), or Uncollected Funds fees. Federally Insured by NCUA.